New records of Vespidae (Hymenoptera: Vespoidea) for the Colombian Orinoco Region


We analyzed 72 speciemens from the Arauca (71) and Casanare (1) departments in the Orinoco region of Colombia. The specimens belong to 10 genera and 18 species of vespid wasps. Four species are reported for the first time for the region and 14 are new records for the Arauca department. There is a likely new record of Stenodynerus cf. australis for the Neotropical region.

In Biota Colombiana
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Matheus Yuri Halmenschlager
Matheus Yuri Halmenschlager
Biólogo, Cientista de Dados

Biólogo, ecólogo, e entomólogo. Cientista de dados, entusiasta de Cartografia e SIG.